Old travel and family photos

A scanned image from a photo taken on a diving trip in Australia If you are like me and have a growing number of grey hairs, you will also most likely have a collection of old family and/or travel photos or slides which you took before the digital era. My wife (Marie) and I are keen photographers and we started off in the good old days when photography was still an art. When you used film or slides, had one or two photos which you could shoot on a good sighting. You also had to make sure all of your settings on the camera were correct and you only saw the results a week or so after the trip! Boy, how things have changed. Today, the cel phones have better cameras in then our first SLR cameras! There is also so much software today for the modification of photos. Yes, some of this software can give you a really great looking photo, but the photos are becoming unnatural. This is a major problem with wildlife photography. The animal (or plant) did not look like that when you took the ph...