
Showing posts from December, 2020

The end of 2020

Meerkats watching me work from my home office.   2020 has not been a good year for a travel blogger! With all the current indications, 2021 will probably not be very much better - if not even worse. The novel Coronavirus has caused havoc and it will not be going anywhere anytime soon. The novel mutations of Covid-19 is the top story on the virus at the end of 2020. There are a few new variants which have been found. One of these variants is in the UK and the other - which is slightly different, has been found in South Africa. The fact that there are variants is not strange. Coronavirus is - after all a RNA virus and RNA is known to be highly unstable and prone to errors when replicated. However, what is of a concern is that the new variant appears to be more transmissible - which means it spreads much more. The potential problem with any variants is that it could increase the disease causing ability of the virus and can also have an impact on the ability of the vaccines to work. We wil