Diving in the Red Sea

Diving in the Red Sea At the start of 2021, it was decided to sort through the mountains of boxes we have stored in out garage. Quite a few of these boxes are slides. Both my wife - Marie - and I are keen photographers and before the age of digital photography, we used to take slides. Many of the overseas trip photos are on slides. So now, the question is, what do you do with hundreds and hundreds of slides? They take up space - even when you remove them from the magazines and pack them into boxes. Now you have boxes of slides which are very difficult to look at. Quite some time ago, I bought a slide scanner and started to scan the slides into a digital format. This was a mission all of it its own. It would have taken the best part of 100 years to get all of the slides scanned! It was very, very slow and every spect of dust on the slide was also scanned in. There is now an App which you can get for the iPhone called -"Slidescan". The App is set up to make use of the backlig...