
Showing posts from 2022

Anti-vaxxers and travel

Anti small pox vaccination poster. Love the cow coming out of the behind! You may well ask - what have anti-vaxxers and travel got to do with each other. Why I am going to do a blog - which will basically be an anti-vaxxers rant - as a travel blog? The answer is quite simple. The sooner everyone gets vaccinated the sooner things will go back to normal and the sooner we can all start to travel again.  One of the requirements that many countries now have is that you need to be vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 to get entry to a country. Is this fair? Is this acceptable? Is this optional? Are other vaccines needed to travel?  Typical yellow fever vaccination card   Let’s start with the last one first - yes -  there are some vaccine requirements when traveling to certain parts of the world. The most well know if the yellow fever vaccination. Yellow fever is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes in the tropical regions of the world. If you want to visit these places - you need your yellow

Will we be able to travel again in 2022?

When will we be able to fly again?  Another year has come and done and I have not set foot on a plane again. Last time I was on a plane I was rushing back to get into South Africa before the world shut done in March 2020. I was on a trip to Brazil and Kenya and even while in Brazil, a few of the meetings were canceled because of the virus. By the time I got to Kenya, all of the meetings, but one, had already been cancelled, so I cut my trip short by four days and rushed to get back home. It is times like this that you need the help of your trusted travel agent (Jessica Cameron). She manged to get my flights changed and get me home. There were already people (mostly from Europe) who were stuck in Kenya and could not get flights back to Europe. Travel and the world would not be the same, at least for the next two years.    Flying on Business class to Brazil - the only way to fly!   Road side stall in Kenya   Road side photos in Kenya My last flight before lockdown.  In November 2021, my