Kgalagadi with my Sister

King of the jungle One of my favourite places in the world is the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. This was previously known as the Gemsbok national Park. The park boarder on Namibia on the western side and Botswana on the Eastern side. The Nature reserve is in South Africa and Botswana and visitors to the park can travel freely between the South African side of the park and the Botswana side. Gemsbok fighting My wife (Marie) and I have visited the park numerous times. Both of us are keen wildlife photographers and this park is a wonderful place for wildlife photography. The Park is a desert region with red sand dunes. In the South African part of the park, the roads and camps are along the two dry river beds. There are many man made water holes along these dry river beds, so much of the wildlife is concentrated in or around the river beds. Ground squirrel This is a wonderful place for predators. You can count yourself very unlucky if you have spent a few days in t...