Orchid garden in Singapore

One of the "Must see" places in Singapore is the Botanical Gardens and the Orchid garden. Even if you do not even really like orchids, this is an amazing place to see. Orchids are not strange in Singapore and one of the first things you are likely to see when arriving at Singapore airport is orchids. In fact, there is an amazing orchid garden right in the airport terminal.

The botanical gardens have, in the past, been quite difficult to get to. There is now an MRT (mass rapid transport system - a train) station at the one end of the Garden and there is a new station that was being built when I was there at the other end of the garden. So in future it is going to be a lot easier to get to the botanical gardens. Even once in the Botanical Gardens, it is still quite a long walk to the Orchid garden. It might not be that far, but in the oppressive heat which is Singapore, it feels like a really long walk! It was seriously hot and humid when we were there the last time. The "we" this time was a group of us  from the university who were in Singapore to attend the IUMS congress. We arrived the day before congress registration and as most people in the group were female ( all except me), visiting the Orchid garden was high on the " to do' list. I have been to the Orchid garden a few times before. Once with my wife, Marie and then also with Marie, my sister Cynthia and the son (Hardy). Photos used in this post are from all three of these trips.

Orchids everywhere

In the Orchid garden
What a pretty flower

The hot and humid conditions in Singapore are just perfect for orchids and once in the special orchid garden, there are masses of orchids, just everywhere. They really are the most amazing and beautiful flowers and seeing them on mass is really a very special experience. I had better not say this too loudly, or my wife will drag me off to the Orchid garden again when next we are in Singapore.

There is an area where all of the specially bred orchids are on display. These are orchids which have been bred and are named in honour of people. For example there is an orchid for Nelson Mandela and of course there is one for princess Diana (obviously a pure White flower!).

After walking around a bit in the oppressive heat, you can go into the special area for the high altitude orchids. This area is cooled down a bit and it is a great place to get out of the heat. 
What a beast


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