
Showing posts from June, 2019

Workcation - the best way to travel

Workcation? What is that and how do you spell it? What it is I can answer. How to spell it - I can only guess. Spelling is not a strong point. So what is workcation? This is when you need to travel for work, but you manage to take a few days off to do some tourist things. If you think of it, any international work related trip from South Africa will normally start with a long flight. To travel all the way to distance lands and not at least take a bit of time off, is crazy. At least try to have a weekend before or at the end of the work related part of trip - preferably both, to do some tourist things. I guess that I am very fortunate, as I get to travel very often for work. As the name of this blog states - I am a passionate traveler. I still do not get tired of the travel experience. Even when I end up going to the same place over and over again, there is always some nice things to do. Stay in a good hotel, eat nice food and do short day trips. This is my receipt to a good travel ex