The Iconic wildlife of the Galapogos Islands

In this final post after my trip to the Galapagos, I will just be posting more of my photos of the beautiful and interesting wildlife on the Islands.
Early morning coffee on the boat

Marie Iguana
The most iconic of the unique animals of the Galapogose Islands must be the giant tortoises. The tortoises are believed to grow to over 200 hundred years old. If the lines on the tourtoses' shell can still be seen, the tortoise is under 100 years old.
Sea Lions

Just chilling on the beach
Other interesting animals (birds) and the one which was high on my Wish list was the blue footed booby. The other boobys were also very beautiful and being in the middle of a nesting colony of Nazca boobys was a memorable experience. The Red Footed Booby is actually the most interesting of the Boobys. They are web footed birds, yet they peach and nest in trees.
Nazca boobys

Beautiful other birds which were seen on the Galapagos included the mocking bird, pelican, penguins (I did see a penguin but did not get a good photo of them), lava heron,  oystercatchers and of course the Darwin finches. The only bird I did not get to see on this trip was the flightless cormorant. Oh well, always need to leave something for the next time.

Baby whale
Sea Lions were found on every beach. Totally not worried by the humans. They really make for beautiful photos on the white sandy beaches.
A skeleton of a baby whale was also found along the white sandy beach.


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