The elephants of Mabula Private Game Reserve

My main reason for starting this blog was to not only share with you various travel trips which I find makes it a lot easier for me to travel, but also to share some of the exciting adventures (and photos) with you. Travel need not always mean flying off to some strange exotic land. We, in South Africa live in a very strange land and there are some amazing places. South Africa is also a land that abounds with wildlife.
My latest adventure was a family trip to Mabula Private Game Reserve ( I have a time share unit there and I try to go every year. This year, my lovely wife, sister, step son and his lovely partner also joined me. It was the partner's first experience of the African bush and she just wanted to see elephants. Boy did we see elephants! First was the beautiful towel elephant in the room!

In the past, the camps were not fenced, and I had some wonderful and interesting encounters with the elephants. About 4 years ago, they put up an elephant fence around the camp to keep the elephants out. They (the elephants) had taken a liking to the plastic garden furniture at the units, and would destroy, on a regular basis, this furniture. This year, the elephants had worked out how to get back into the camp! We had an elephant visitor to our unit, not once, but three times in the week!
We also had a very interesting night time visitor. This was a civet cat. I have only ever had fleeting glimpses of this beautiful animal in the past. This was really a great sighting - every night!
Civet cat at Mabula. A very rear sight - but we saw him every night.

Car that was damaged by the bull elephant two years ago. Driver was not hurt.
The elephants at Mabula are very interesting. About 15 - 20 years ago, elephants in the Kruger National Park had to be culled. It was decided not to cull the baby elephants and the herd at Mabula was made up of these babies who survived the cull. So they have grown up and are now unsupervised teenagers (young adults) who have never had any guidance or discipline from adult elephants. A very naughty bunch! A few years ago, one of the young bull elephants took a dislike to one of the guest's car (with the guest in the car). Fortunately no-one was hurt. Cannot say the same for the car!


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